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The Snapdragon Emporium

Welcome to The Snapdragon Emporium
We have trinkets...odds and ends...that sort of thing...
If you are seeking bits and bobbles that invoke whimsy and imagination, you've come to the right place. These collections have been brewed with forgotten objects, memories, and wishes. There is something for everyone if you look hard enough, maybe you'll find a little bit of magic left in the world.
-Ms. May
Snapdragon Emporium Co
A Letter to the Weird and Wonderful
After some reflection, I have realigned myself as a Craftsman over an Artist. I do not wish to be restrained by genres or labels. I often struggle to find a reason for making other than for the sake of making. I do not feel that my art needs to be reflective or exploratory, it can simply be. Of course there are inspirations for my work, but they are not something that need to be extracted and studied. I can only hope that I can continue to make beautiful objects for the right people. I take great pride in my attention to detail and interpretations of the world. Most of my work is a response to enhance the regular and ordinary. I would like to create peripheral joy that you can glance at during times of stress or worry, something for you to take a moment for yourself.
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